Actual Client

Photo Credit: Kel Elwood Photography

Photo Credit: Jackie Owen Photography

Photo Credit: James W. W. McCreight, DDS

Photo Credit: Brooke Welch Photography

10 Fascinating Facts about Kissing

Kissing Facts   You can always count on McCreight Progressive Dentistry for all the facts! This Valentines Day we decided to share some interesting Kissing facts with all of our wonderful Clients…. So, Pucker Up! When you kiss someone for the first time, you get a spike in the neurotransmitter dopamine, making you crave more. Two thirds of people tilt their... read more »

Veneers- The Modern and Convenient Way to Enhance Your Smile

Veneers- The Modern and Convenient Way to Enhance Your Smile Porcelain Veneers offer a great solution to address a wide variety of the cosmetic problems that many clients face. They are a perfect treatment for those who have stained, chipped, or misshapen teeth. Bonded to your tooth enamel, Veneers mimic the look, shape and feel of natural teeth. Veneers are an... read more »

The Story of the Broken Tooth

The Story of the Broken Tooth   It is easy to assume that you will never have a Dental Emergency or experience a Broken Tooth. Dr. Wendy and Dr. Jim always tell you what a great job you are doing between cleanings, you are careful of what you bite into, you’ve never had a cavity and don't play outdoors in the... read more »

#NotEvenOnce #MethAwarenessDay

#NotEvenOnce #MethAwarenessDay On this date 11 years ago former President George W. Bush signed the proclamation declaring the First National Methamphetamine Awareness Day, November 30th 2006. When Bush signed this proclamation our country was in a downward spiral with more and more users each month. Followed by more overdoses than ever before. In 2006 an estimated 1.2 million people were... read more »

Stuff the Turkey- Not Yourself

What you didn't know about your Thanksgiving Foods   Here at McCreight Progressive Dentistry we are grateful for our wonderful clients. We love Thanksgiving because it is a time to celebrate family, friends and health! As you sit down for your Thanksgiving meal this year, you may think about how its affecting the scale or the fit of your new... read more »

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal Changes and Their Relation to Oral Health From pimples to hot flashes women get very familiar with the hormonal changes we go through. However, most women are unaware that these hormonal surges can trigger a host of dental problems. These dental problems tend to surface during 5 key situations of a woman’s life; Puberty, Monthly Menstruation, the use of... read more »

The Awakening Truths about Sleep Apnea

The Awakening Truths about Sleep Apnea What is Sleep Apnea and how do I know if I have it? Those are great questions that here at McCreight Progressive Dentistry we hear all the time. Let’s start with the meaning of the word Apnea as that will help us understand this article effortlessly. Apnea comes from the Greek word Apnoia which... read more »

Jaw Pain, Muscles and Airway

So You Have Jaw Pain!  Why are Muscles Important?  What Damage Happens With Unhappy Muscles? 😁 Many of you already know this, but for those who have the question of what a Las Vegas Institute (LVI) trained dentist will look for, analyze, and how it all connects this blog's purpose is to put it in simplified terms.  Dr Jim McCreight has... read more »

The Mallampati Shot

The Mallampati Shot Classifying the Resting Airway   As a dental professional, it is our job to screen for oral illness, as well as systemic diseases, and possible airway complications. There are many ways to perform all of these screenings and the fact that we are looking for abnormalities is what is important. The Mallampati score is a simple test... read more »

Why We Waterpik

Why We Waterpik Clients of McCreight Progressive Dentistry have definitely heard us talk about the Waterpik before. You possibly even overheard us talking about the last time we used traditonal floss, which for most of us in the office was at least a year!! Curious yet as to why that may be? Below I will share some of the top benefits... read more »