Studies show that more than half of adults suffer from some form of periodontal (gum) disease. Our dentists and team can help our clients treat gum disease here at our office, but it can be difficult to manage damage and bacteria from the infection between visits. Bacterial communities called biofilms form between the tooth and gum tissue, which can cause serious damage to your smile. We have a solution: the Perio Protect Method®! The Perio Protect Method is an at-home periodontal treatment that is combined with regular in-office professional cleanings. The Perio Protect Method uses a Perio Tray, which is a tray that is very similar to a mouthguard, but it has a special healing system that delivers medication (hydrogen peroxide gel) below the gum line as you wear it. It is very simple to use! All you have to do is wear the tray for a few minutes every day to protect your smile in between office visits. This comfortable, simple way of treating gum disease not only prevents bacteria but prevents the need for more intensive surgery or antibiotics.
Keeping your gums healthy is crucial in maintaining a healthy smile. To learn more about the Perio Protect Method in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and to schedule an appointment with Dr. James McCreight or Dr. Wendy McCreight, please call McCreight Progressive Dentistry today at 970-879-4703.